2 Things To Keep In Mind When Getting A Payday Loan

There are times when you need money for one reason or another and aren't able to get it. In situations like this, your only option may be to get a payday loan. This type of loan is one that is generally not for a huge sum of money, but it carries a very high interest rate. When you get this loan, you are going to be required to pay all of it back, or a portion of it back, upon your next paycheck. [Read More]

3 Tips For Keeping Your Cool When You Suspect A Customer's Money Is Counterfeit

Businesses of all sizes need to be able to ensure that the money they receive from customers is legit. If you suspect that a customer is giving you counterfeit money, it's important to take immediate action, but you should be sure that the money is truly not legal tender before refusing to accept it. Use a counterfeit money detection pen to decide whether the money is okay, but be savvy and charming about how you handle suspicious customers to avoid a situation escalating when the customer is presenting legal tender. [Read More]

Claiming The American Opportunity Tax Credit For Education Expenses

An income tax credit is available to help defray the cost of college tuition and books. The American opportunity credit in especially noteworthy because a portion of it is refundable, even if there is no tax to offset. Parents, and sometimes students themselves, can reduce their taxes or receive a refund based on expenses for undergraduate education. Eligibility Also known as the AOC, the credit can be claimed in its entirety for up to four separate years. [Read More]

Your Child's Financial Future: 4 Ways You Can Help Them

Your child's financial future is important, and there are ways you can help them. Finances are the last thing on their mind, and they do not understand how important it is. You do, however, and getting them started on the right foot will give them a chance of being successful with their finances. Below are some things you can start early to set the stage for their financial security. Saving [Read More]